Online application for kindergarten and nursery.
Children's group Prague in a nutshell:
Number of classes: 2
Capacity: 24 children
Number of caregivers: 6
Age: 1.5 to 3 years
Children's group Pididomek Prague
The operation of the Pididomek Prague children's group is financed by contributions from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, which partially cover the operation. The capacity of the group is a maximum of 24 children per 6 caregivers. The children's group is divided into 2 smaller subgroups of 12 children each. The average age of the children is between 1.5 and 3 years. We will work with you to wean your children. Our motto for education is "Respect and be respected". We try to make the environment inspiring complete with Montessori tools. We provide the widest range of age appropriate stimuli and a safe environment to explore through all the senses. Thus, the teachers have a variety of art, movement and other activities and games for the children each day, in line with our educational concept, aimed at the all-round development of the child.

Mole class
In the Nursery class of Mole we take care of children of all nationalities aged from 1.5 to 2.5 years. The family atmosphere, trust and sensitive approach of our kind caregivers make it easier for the children to be separated from their parents for the first time.
The basic principle of care is an individual approach to each child, thanks to the smaller group and the number of caregivers per child.
Number of carers: 3
Number of children: 12
Age: From age 1,5 to 2,5 years
phone: 739 008 094
class of Beetles
In the Baby class we care for children of all nationalities from 2 to 3.5 years old. The family atmosphere, trust and sensitive approach of our kind caregivers make it easier for the children to be separated from their parents for the first time.
We provide the widest range of age-appropriate stimuli and a safe environment to explore through all the senses
Number of childminders: 3
Number of children: 12
Age: from 2 years to 3.5 years

phone: 732 610 191

třída Berušky
Ve třídě Berušek pečujeme o děti všech národností ve věku od 2 do 3,5 let. Rodinná atmosféra, důvěra a citlivý přístup našich laskavých pečovatelek usnadňují dětem jejich mnohdy první delší odloučení od rodičů.
Základním principem péče je individuální přístup ke každému dítěti, díky menší skupině a počtu pečovatelek na jedno dítě.
Počet pečovatelek: 2
Počet dětí: 12
Věk: od 2,5 do 3,5 let
tel.: 775 587 273
Our team

Mole class
She loves dance, movement, working with children, books, music and nature.
class of Beetles
She loves nature, animals, sports, movies, music, working with children and traveling.

Mole class